High School

High school is an interesting institution. Young people are given more responsibility and freedom and are expected to be responsible and and start behaving like adults, but yet they are treated in a manner that contradicts these expectations. It’s a difficult time, because youth are no longer children, but they still are not adults. When I was in high school, I was driving myself to school, working, playing three sports, but yet I could not leave school when I was clearly not feeling well without my parents permission. I had so many responsibilities, I was working, doing my homework, going to all my sport practices and games, volunteering with young children, but yet I when I was five minutes late for school I got detention. In high school, I feel like everyone is on the same team. We are trying to prepare youth for university and the real world, so why does it always seem like it’s the students against the principal and teachers? Students learning needs also need to be respected. My best friends brother has a lot of trouble learning, and his teachers and principal deal with his poor behaviour with punishment. This obviously cannot be the only solution because his learning is comprised. Teachers, administrators and and school policy needs to be more accepting of all kinds of learners. I agree that more progressive methods of learning need to be integrated into schools to help with this, however, complete alternate schooling is simply not the answer.It would be difficult to mandate any kind of rules if the education is completely guided by the students. I believe what would make the high school experience easier is if administrators listened to what students have to say and treated them more like adults.

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